The Most Beautiful Thing In The World
Someone told me about it. About
how why you held my hand tighter that night. You told her that it was just
because you wanted to comfort me. It was just to comfort me. I was hurt. I
thought that that night, you did want to hold my hand… that you wanted me
close. I guess I was wrong. I guess I read it wrong. I’m sorry if you felt like
you were obliged to hold my hand. I’d never want to force you to do anything.
I’d never want you to do anything you didn’t want. I’m sorry I’m such a pain in
the ass.
I’m sorry. Sorry sorry sorry sorry.
But know this: I’d hold your hand.
If you want me to. For a little while, for a long time. Anyway and it doesn’t
have to be anywhere special. I’d hold your hand. Because I want you. Because to
have you that close, to be able to touch you is the most beautiful thing in the
You are the most beautiful thing in the world.